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Martinique Charter Yachts


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Martinique to Guadeloupe

7 day Cruising Program

End of afternoon arrival (taxi transfers organized upon request)

Day 1
Inventories & briefing with our technician
Sail to Anses d'Arlets, Martinique (14 miles)
Anchor for the night

Day 2
Sail to Anse Mitan, Martinique (6 miles)
Boutiques, restaurants, golf, sea shuttle across the bay to Fort de France (15 mn) .
Anchor for the night

Day 3
Sail to Saint-Pierre early morning (15 miles)
Customs clearance (exit), visit of the town (ruins...), Volcano museum.
Anchor for the night

Day 4
Sail to Portsmouth, Dominica (53 miles) very early morning
Customs clearance (entry/exit)
Anchor for the night

Day 5
Tour the Indian River
Sail to Les Saintes (22 miles)
Customs clearance (entry)
Anchor for the night

Day 6
Sail to Ilet Gosier (22 miles)
Anchor for lunch
Sail to Bas du Fort Marina (3 miles)
Back at the dock for the night after refilling diesel tanks

Day 7
Return inventories & debriefing
Disembarking and return transfers (taxi transfers organized upon request)

Please note: Information on this sheet is believed to be correct but not guaranteed,
and images are for illustrative purpose only.

Tropical Yachts
4906 N Travelers Palm Lane. Tamarac, FL 33319
Tel: 1 (305) 735-3460

Copyright© 2003-2025, Tropical Discovery Services Inc. or its affiliates
Bonded State of Florida Seller of Travel - Reg. No. ST35634
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